Tag Archives: new

Nothing is new under the sun, moon …

... under the sun ...

… under the sun …

We are full of ideas, of all kinds, actually of all there is, and we put it forward in many ways, in poems and phrases and other writings, without even knowing anything about the truthfulness and importance of what is said and written.
So we spread around us ideas and words, as they are the most important thing in the world, and actually quite new and fresh, and have never been told before.

Yet we may know that there is nothing new under the sun, as someone once said.  But how do we know it, or do we not, then how can we have words for it?  The words cannot exist unless there is something behind them, some images or ideas, can we then not say there is nothing new under the sun, or is perhaps something new there to find?

We have really no idea of the truth of what we say and hear, some are undoubtedly true and other lies.  Everything that has a name, everything that can be put into words exists, but not necessarily and always as the image or form that we have created about it, but it still exists.
A good example is the idea of Santa Claus, it has taken many changes with the times, got different look and meaning, yet we know that Santa does not exist, or does he, is he perhaps something other than a man with a white beard and the red hat, like joy and expectations of children at Christmas?

Excerpt from 37 chapter in the book “The moment is the only reality” read the entire chapter. >

New and old, ideas about everything

maturWe have created ourselves ideas of all possible things, food, religion, beliefs, teaching, etc. and we are not willing to abandon these ideas, no matter what.  Not even though researches show us how little value they have.  Not even though we ourselves know how stupid they are.  We just say “oh well” and keep on holding tight to our ideas.  We are stuck in our habits.
We are always so convinced of our own excellence that we do not allow us to accept something new.

We have met all kinds of opinions and ideas on our walk through life, both wrong and right.  And we will keep on meeting more ideas, of all sorts.
The older we become, the more ideas we have gathered ourselves. The more ideas we have, the more difficult it is to get rid of them. And before we know it we are trapped in a vicious circle that is hard to get out of. Continue reading